三教九流的反义词是什么 | |
成 语 | 三教九流2024-12-23 |
拼 音 | sān jiào jiǔ liú - |
解 释 | 三教指儒教、佛教、道教;九流指儒家、道家、阴阳家、法家、名家、墨家、纵横家、杂家、农家。 泛指宗教、学术中各种流派或社会上各种行业。也用来泛称江湖上各种各样的人。也说九流三教。 |
反义词 | 正人君子 |
近义词 | 九流三教 三姑六婆 五行八作 |
出 处 | 宋·赵彦云《云麓漫钞》:“帝问三教九流及治朝旧事;了如目前。” |
释 义 |
翻 译 | people in various trades; the three religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools of thought (the Confucians, the Taoists, the Yin-Yang, the Legalists, the Logicians, the Mohists, the Political Strategists, the Ecletics and the Agriculturists); various religious sects and academic schools |
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