

词 汇jetty 读音  
音 标英 ['dʒetɪ] 美 [ˈdʒɛtɪ]
释 义

n. 突堤, 防波堤, 码头

a. 黑玉般的, 乌黑发亮的

vi. 伸出

n a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away

用 法

1、The boat has to land here, at the jetty.

船只会停靠在这儿 这个码头

2、It is the jetty that is directly out the back of the hotel.


3、There is a jetty coming up here on the right which may be it.

前面右边有一个码头 说不定就是画中的那个

4、off the jetty rockfish, amberjack, halibut.

码头旁边 岩鱼 琥珀鱼 目鱼

5、When it happens, we will be moving to the jetty and out of this place.

一旦行动 我们就直奔码头的小艇 离开这里

6、And that way they can cover both directions the plane and the jetty.


7、Well, it's not exactly a feast, but the food I've procured should be waiting by the jetty.

虽然算不上是什么盛宴 但我搞到的食物应该在码头候着了

8、I have been on a onewomen jetty pilgrimage to find this very spot you took this image.

我一个女流之辈 单枪匹马 去寻找你拍摄这幅照片的那个码头

9、海藻研究与教育 we'd never make it out past the jetty, so we have to leave some things by the wayside.

查理·摩尔船长 那我们永远到不了码头 所以我们只能留一部分垃圾在航道上了

10、海藻研究與教育 we'd never make it out past the jetty, so we have to leave some things by the wayside.

查理·摩爾船長 那我們永遠到不了碼頭 所以我們只能留一部分垃圾在航道上了

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