

词 汇adjunct 读音  
音 标英 [ˈædʒʌŋkt] 美 [ˈædʒˌʌŋkt]
释 义

n. 附属物, 附件, 助手, 修饰语

a. 附属的

n. something added to another thing but not an essential part of it

n. a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another

n. a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence

用 法

1、We're looking at more than just a local adjunct gig.


2、Freedom from the tyranny of the squeezy bottle's just an adjunct.


3、He's got the body of a tenure track professor, but the arms of an adjunct.

他的身体就像终身教授那么平淡 可他的手臂却像 教授那么火热

4、The way in which the spectacle operates is to make of leisure itself an adjunct to work.

景观运作的方式 是将休闲变成工作的附属品

5、You will be expected to perform the following: asses ent and management of a trauma patient, bagvalvemask ventilation of an apneic patient, spinal immobilization, traction splinting, bleeding control and shock management, upper airway adjuncts, and suction.

你们需要完成以下任务 评估并照管一个创伤患者 使用人工复苏器为窒息病人通气 脊椎固定 牵引夹板 止血 休克处理 给上气道插入辅助呼吸工具及抽吸

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