steamroller怎么读、steamroller是什么意思 | |
词 汇 | steamroller 读音 |
音 标 | 英 [ˈsti:mrəʊlə(r)] 美 [ˈsti:mroʊlə(r)] |
释 义 | 压垮, 压服 n. 蒸汽压路机, 高压力量, 高压手段 n. vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements v. bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure v. proceed with great force |
用 法 | 1、And I'm not gonna steamroll my kids the same way you steamrolled me. 而且我不会像威逼我一样 威逼我的孩子们 2、You can't steamroll me out of here with all this going on. 你不能把我从这事里撇开 就现在这混乱的情况下 3、Not without steamrolling you in the process. 但过程中跟你造成了很多伤害 4、Oh, and then we steamrolled 'em from there. 从那开始我们打得他们落花流水 5、That's the best part! I just steamrolled him. 这就是最棒的一点 我完胜了他 6、But I don't want you to feel steamrolled by my decisions. 但我不希望你感觉被我的决定压迫 7、A steamroller wouldn't ooth over the mess you made. 灵丹妙药都挽回不了你这烂摊子 8、You came here to say something, and I completely steamrolled you. 你来找我有事 我就光顾自己说了 9、I'd probably end up driving a steamroller or something. 长大了最多就是个开压路机的 10、You don't want to be the narcissistic, steamrolling monster you've always been. 你不想再当过去的 那个自恋碾压的怪物 |