

词 汇eats 读音  
音 标英 [i:ts] 美 [its]
释 义

abbr. 设备准确度测试站(Equipment Accuracy Test Station)

n informal terms for a meal

v take in solid food

v eat a meal; take a meal

v take in food; used of animals only

v worry or cause anxiety in a persistent way

v use up (resources or materials)

v cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid

用 法

1、I don't eat. I don't eat. I don't eat.

不吃东西 不吃东西 不吃东西

2、I eat and eat and eat and talk like a gangster.

吃啊吃啊吃 说话就像个流氓

3、Eat, eat, eat, all the day, like a schwein.

干啥啥不行 吃飯第一名

4、You eat what we serve, or you do not eat.

要么吃我们上的菜 要么就别吃

5、But it's not only how much we eat, but what we eat.

除了关注吃多少 吃什么也很重要

6、Eat and eat and eat and I still have time to digest before bedtime.

可以吃很多 并且仍然消化掉 再睡觉

7、You stand over there and you eat and you eat.

你站在那儿 然后吃吃吃

8、Those ants are eating me before I eat them.

这些蚂蚁在我吃它们之前 就开始吃我了

9、Well, they eat cows, but if they can eat cows, they can eat people.

其实它们吃的是牛 但它们既然吃牛 那也会吃人

10、to take the sting out of those days of the mouths, eating, and eating, and eating everything he makes, everything he has.

逃离被那些嘴支配的痛苦 它们不停地吃 吃掉他制造的一切 他拥有的一切

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