

词 汇deplorable 读音  
音 标英 [dɪˈplɔ:rəbl] 美 [dɪˈplɔrəbəl,-ˈplor-]
释 义

a. 可叹的, 悲惨的, 凄惨的

s. bad; unfortunate

s. of very poor quality or condition

用 法

1、What I deplore most in life is dishonesty.


2、His stance on carbon emissions is deplorable.


3、That's what I most deplore the wanton, useless waste of it.

这是我最痛心的一点 如此荒唐 无价值

4、So, what he did was deplorable, and it would be understandable if your reaction was extreme.

他做的这些让人愤慨 如果你有极端反应也可以理解

5、I have no interest in the deplorable excesses of the pennydreadfuls.

我对他们怎么称呼不感兴趣 简直像廉价恐怖小说一样

6、They remain unopened in a pile because he lied to me, and I deplore him.

信都堆在一起 从没打开过 因为他骗了我 我深切谴责他

7、I am not answerable for a deplorable calamity which was impossible to foresee.

我不能为一场不可能预料到的 可悲灾难负责

8、A deplorable crime has been committed against our master and savior.

有人对我们的主人和救世主犯下了 可怕的罪行

9、If there's one thing more deplorable than our cooking, it's our love making.

如果有什么比我们做菜更差劲 那就是我们

10、Sloth truly one of the world's most deplorable sins.

懒惰 真的是世上最糟糕的罪行

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