

词 汇fascinating 读音  
音 标英 [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈfæsəˌnetɪŋ]
释 义

a. 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的

v cause to be interested or curious

v to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe

v attract; cause to be enamored

s capable of arousing and holding the attention

s capturing interest as if by a spell

用 法

1、She had a fascination for paradoxes, a fascination she passed on to me.

她对矛盾非常着迷 而这种情感传承到了我身上

2、There was a fascinating or what seemed to us fascinating debate going on about what it was all about.

有件事特别有意思 至少看起来有意思 就是关于后朋克到底是什么的争论

3、But perhaps that's why we're so fascinated with them.


4、And why should she not be? It is a fascinating place.

她为什么不能感到好奇 那里那么有趣

5、that you'd think she was fascinating. It.

你会觉得她很了不起 是它

6、It is, but he was drinking, and I was fascinated.

是 但他当时喝了不少 而我很感兴趣

7、What fascinates me about this is they had a choice.

让我感到惊讶的是 这帮人本来是有选择的

8、And I had the most fascinating conversation with him.


9、No, it is, it really is fascinating to me.

不 真的 对我来说很有吸引力

10、I do know what's fascinating, and that isn't it.

我当然知道什么才叫棒 但绝非如你所言

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