

词 汇flora 读音  
音 标英 ['flɔ:rə] 美 ['flɔ:rə]
释 义

n. 植物群

[医] 植物区系, 植物丛, 植物群, 菌丛

n all the plant life in a particular region or period

n (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion

用 法

1、flora had been missing for more than 72 hours.

芙洛拉已经失踪了 超过72小时了

2、flora, I have to ask about the living arrangements.

弗罗拉 我必须得跟您请教关于住的事情

3、exotic flora and started speaking in tongues.

奇特的植物 然后就开始言语不清

4、The nanobots, they react poorly with your gut flora.

那些纳米机器人 会跟你的肠道菌群起反应

5、I'm afraid I rather neglected my housemate's flora, and they perished.

我怕是忽略了我室友的盆栽 导致它们枯萎了

6、flora invented her own special version of hideandseek when she was three.

芙洛拉三岁时 发明了特别版本的捉迷藏

7、The murder weapon collected pollen from the surrounding flora.

凶器从周围的植被上 沾上了花粉

8、Fever's down, and the flora in your system seems to be returning to normal.

烧退了 你体内的菌群也恢复正常了

9、I just hope my digestive flora doesn't pay the price.


10、Well, I bought cacti and other indigenous flora just as we discussed.

我按照你的吩咐 买了仙人掌和其他土著菌群

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