porsch怎么读、porsch是什么意思 | |
词 汇 | porsch 读音 |
音 标 | 暂无 |
释 义 | n. (Porsch)人名;(德、捷)波尔施 |
用 法 | 1、No driving his porsche and no parties. 不准开保时捷 不准开派对 2、All but someone in a porsche with no plates. 只有一辆没上牌照的保时捷的司机还没 3、I am going to buy you matching porsches. 我会送你们男男情侣款保时捷 4、Gave them each a porsche as a signing bonus. 给他们每人一辆保时捷作为签约金 5、And just so you know, I'm keeping the porsche. 还有件事 你的保时捷我留下了 6、I don't think I would have bought a porsche that first week. 绝不会在他们去世的头一周就买辆保时捷 7、And you ran him over with this porsche two nights ago. 两天前 你开着这辆保时捷碾了他 8、There's a homeless guy building a shopping bag house around the porsche. 有个流浪汉正用购物袋在我的保时捷上 盖他的窝呢 9、Yes, we found footage of a suspicious young man going in and out of your garage in a brandnew porsche the night your tenant died. 是的 在你的租客死的那天晚上 录像上有一个可疑的年轻人 开一辆崭新的保时捷进出停车楼 |