

词 汇matador 读音  
音 标英 [ˈmætədɔ:(r)] 美 [ˈmætəˌdɔr]
释 义

n. 斗牛士

n. the principal bullfighter who is appointed to make the final passes and kill the bull

用 法

1、I thought the subject was the matador.


2、What is so hard about being a matador? I don't get it.

为什么做斗牛士那么难 我不理解

3、We profiled this unsub as a matador dominant, statementdriven.

我们的侧写中嫌犯是一个斗牛士 是占主导地位并有话语权的

4、As the sun came up, the matador was so exhausted, he had to be carried out.

然后太阳升起来了 斗牛士太过疲惫 只能被人们抬出去

5、The long and lean's always think they're matadors.


6、So like our unsub, the matador stalks them, tortures them, and kills them.

跟凶手一样 斗牛士悄悄接近 继而杀害那些牛

7、The whole afternoon, the matador is trying to keep him away from there.

整个下午 斗牛士都在努力 让它远离安全区

8、Let's crossreference former and current matadors with criminal records that fit the profile.

把退役和现任的斗牛士 和符合侧写的犯罪记录做交叉对比

9、This is when the matador uses his puntilla to slay the animal in a final demonstration of supremacy.

这时斗牛士用旁提刀杀死牛 作为其统治权的最终展示

10、In keep the bodies and discarding the victim's ears, our killer is emulating the matador.

凶手保留尸体 丢弃被害人耳朵 是想效仿斗牛士

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