

词 汇mantra 读音  
音 标英 [ˈmæntrə] 美 [ˈmæntrə]
释 义

颂歌, 咒语(尤指四吠陀经典内作为咒文或祷告唱念的)

n. a commonly repeated word or phrase

n. (Sanskrit) literally a `sacred utterance' in Vedism; one of a collection of orally transmitted poetic hymns

用 法

1、And every people who come around here are always reciting mantras and really focusing on meditation, they do the circumambulation, prostration, to keep the physical healthy and the mind, to be energy clean, chanting mantras as well as doing prayers so trying to put yourself in a very good, positive discipline.

来到这里的人们 总会吟诵 潜心冥想 他们沿着佛塔绕行 行大拜忏 以求身体健康 心灵纯净 他们边吟诵 边进行祈祷 希望自己保持一种积极向上的状态

2、It's just a phrase that I don't care what a mantra is.

就是表达... 我也不想知道

3、It was like a mantra, like she was reminding herself.

倒像是在念咒 就像她在提醒自己什么

4、Not without this dopeass mantra to recite before.


5、The mantra helps us subdue our nature.


6、This is like a perfect mantra meditation facility.


7、I will teach you a personal mantra to chant.

为师将传授你一句私人咒语 需每日吟诵

8、We say an ancient mantra to strengthen the mind.


9、But disco's like a mantra, it's a prayer, it's a message.

而迪斯科如同咒语 如同祷文 如同神谕

10、Profit before patients the new healthcare mantra.

利益先于病患 这是新的医疗口号

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