

词 汇burly 读音  
音 标英 ['bɜ:lɪ] 美 [ˈbɚlɪ]
释 义

a. 结实的, 粗壮的, 率直的

s muscular and heavily built

用 法

1、Burring through this will change her in fundamental ways.


2、Because you have arms like noodles, while I am vigorous and burly.

因为你小胳膊跟面条似的 哪有我壮实

3、So I can vamanos my burly white ass on out of here.

然后我就能带着我结实雪白的 出发了

4、No, when I do it with this hand, it feels like some strange, burly guy is touching me.

不用 我用这只手的时候 感觉像在被一个陌生壮汉摸

5、Its historic causeway is still the only way on or off this burly chunk of land.

这个古老的堤道 仍然是唯一通往这块土地的通道

6、And I know that people think that your hu and is supposed to be the big, strong, burly tough guy, but you are way more intimidating.

我知道大家都觉得你老公 才应该是那个高大威猛难以相处的人 但你比他可怕多了

7、It wasn't until bread was commonly available in loaf form in the early 1900s that the sandwich became more of a luncheon item, and then it was in the 1920s and 1930s where you see the more burly sandwiches that were sold and eaten workingclass folks.

直到二十世纪初 条状面包开始普及 三明治才开始被端上午宴 然后在二十世纪二十年代和三十年代 开始有更厚实的三明治 工薪阶层也会买来吃

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