

词 汇quantity 读音  
音 标英 [ˈkwɒntətɪ] 美 [ˈkwɑntɪtɪ]
释 义

n. 量, 数量, 总量

[计] 数量; 量

n. an adequate or large amount

n. the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable

用 法

1、You're an unknown quantity, and this isn't personal.

你是个未知数 我并非针对你

2、It's an indicator of quality and quantity.

也就是说 卵子的质量和数量都不高

3、Opium, and in the quantity that's illegal.

****** 这个剂量可是犯法的

4、In the right quantity, it's an exquisite flavoring.

只要用量合适 会产生极致的美味

5、And in an emergency, they eat it in great quantities.

危急情况下 他们会大量食用这种树木

6、Mothering's about the quality of your time together, not the quantity.

为人之母 重要的是和孩子相处时光的质量 不是数量

7、He's selling large quantities of ragstone to the very developers.


8、Unless you are a known quantity, they don't want you in the auction.

除非你声名在外 不然别想加入竞拍

9、Midlevel counterfeiters, they import in all quantities.

中级造假商贩 他们只进口少量的东西

10、Okay, so there are two types of physical quantity.

好吧 物理量有两种类型

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