

词 汇anion 读音  
音 标英 [ˈænaɪən] 美 [ˈænˌaɪən]
释 义

n. 阴离子

[化] 阴离子

n. a negatively charged ion

用 法

1、They have a wide anion gap acidosis.


2、An insulin drip until her anion gap closes.


3、Their alcohol level is zero, but there's an anion gap acidosis.

酒精浓度为零 但有阴离子间隙增高性代谢性酸中毒

4、The reaction of the polyatomic anions was supposed to be strong enough to spark the core of the generator.

多原子负离子的反应 应该足以启动发生器的内核

5、I'd try to find a way to increase the anion input without overloading the energy output.

我会尽量想办法增强负离子输入 而不会让能量输出过载

6、The hydroxide anions in the soap can counteract the molar strength of tar acid for up to 32 minutes before corrosion sets in.

洗手液里的氢氧离子 能抵挡掉焦油酸 要32分钟之后才会开始腐蚀

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