

词 汇gourd 读音  
音 标英 [ɡʊəd] 美 [ɡɒrd,ɡord,ɡʊrd]
释 义

n. 葫芦

n. bottle made from the dried shell of a bottle gourd

n. any of numerous inedible fruits with hard rinds

n. any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears fruits with hard rinds

用 法

1、Probably were just bored out of their gourds.


2、Each tablescape is supposed to have three gourds.


3、my oasis and my gourd whence I aspire.


4、His daughter's missing, he's worried out of his gourd.

他女兒不見了 都擔心死了

5、We're all high off our gourds hallucinating gargoyles.

我们是玩疯了的 出现幻觉的石像鬼们

6、She also cracked open my gourd to considering implications I hadn't.

她还让我醍醐灌顶 理解了我未曾理解的一些事

7、Baked, blazed, stoned out of her gourd, whatever euphemi you want.

嗑高了 吸嗨了 神游离索了 你想要哪种说法都行

8、But babe, you have to know you weren't responding to the number of gourds or the placement of a napkin.

但是宝贝 你得知道 你对此的反应不应该是葫芦的数量 或者餐巾的位置

9、Don't forget about implanting bogus memories and letting me think I'm off my gourd.

别忘了植入虚假记忆 让我以为自己疯了

10、I remember hours spent ripped out of my gourd listening to beatles albums backwards for secret messages.

还记得那时能痴痴得花上几个小时 倒着听披头士的带子 去寻找隐秘的信息

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