

词 汇embellishment 读音  
音 标英 [ɪm'belɪʃmənt] 美 [ɛmˈbɛlɪʃmənt]
释 义

n. 装饰, 润色, 修饰

n. elaboration of an interpretation by the use of decorative (sometimes fictitious) detail

n. a superfluous ornament

用 法

1、It was a dream that I embellished after I woke up.

是个我醒来后 自己添油加醋过的梦

2、I've had to watch him embellish that battle and his role in it more and more.

我都只能看着他吹嘘那场战斗 不断夸大自己的贡献

3、I can assure you it's all been rather embellished.


4、I admit my memoir was a bit of an embellishment.


5、You promise everything, and then you embellish when you can't follow through.

你得答应一切 当你兑现不了时就搪塞过去

6、I embellished the facts not to fabricate her guilt but to enhance it.

我添盐加醋并非为了诬陷她 而是增强她的罪恶感

7、Figured your stories could use a little embellishment.

我只是觉得你的故事 可以加点修饰

8、Oh, the tale he told me needs no embellishment.


9、Well, it's come to my attention that you may have embellished your story.

我收到举报 你编造了一杆进洞的事

10、You've taken my simple exercises in logic and embellished them, embroidered them, exaggerated them.

你对我简单的逻辑思考加以润色 渲染 夸大

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