

词 汇flightless 读音  
音 标英 [ˈflaɪtləs] 美 [ˈflaɪtlɪs]
释 义

a. 不能飞的

s. incapable of flying

用 法

1、There was a giant flightless coot that was originally very common.

有一种巨大的不会飞的骨顶鸡 起初很常见

2、Like many island birds, it was flightless.

和许多岛屿上的鸟类一样 它们不会飞

3、Deep down he's a cheating, flightless little bastard.

它實際上是個作弊的 飛不起來的壞家伙

4、Which makes our emotional epiphany a simile about flightless birds.

这也让我们在情感上顿悟了 有关不会飞的鸟儿的明喻含义

5、The ostrich is a flightless bird, one of 60 species.

鸵鸟是六十种不会飞的鸟的 其中一种

6、I'm a flightless bird with beautiful eyelashes who hides from his problems.

我是一只有着美丽睫毛的不会飞的鸟 只会逃避问题

7、This one, it's a weka, has also become flightless because of its isolation on an island.

这是新西兰秧鸡 由于身处孤立的海岛 已经不会飞了

8、I'm more into birds than felines and, especially, I'll say flightless birds are cool.

比起猫科动物我更喜欢鸟类 特别是不会飞的鸟太酷了

9、But a different kind of flightless bird does still survive, up in these high mountains.

然而另一种不会飞的鸟类却幸存下来 就生活在这片群山之中

10、Now only known from a few catchewed museum specimens, evolving to be flightless had proven fatal.

那些被猫咬过的博物馆标本向我们证明 在进化中失去飞行能力是致命的

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