

词 汇gloved 读音  
音 标英 [glʌvd]
释 义

a. (手)戴着手套的

a. having the hands covered with gloves

用 法

1、It was with the gloves. It was with the gloves.

和手套放一起了 和手套放一起了

2、Well, that's the difference between gloves and no gloves.


3、Oh, but check the gloves because fire ants love hanging out in gloves.

不过记得检查下手套 因为火蚁非常喜欢住在手套里

4、Don't mind me. I'm just dropping off my afternoon gloves, and picking up my early evening gloves.

别管我 我就是来换了下午戴的手套 顺便拿上傍晚用的手套

5、I bought gloves for my wife, and I was done with my wife and my search for true love and, I guess, my search for gloves.

我给我老婆买了手套 我就跟我老婆了结了 同时了结的还有我对真爱的寻找 以及我对手套的寻找

6、So much for that. I didn't have my gloves.

彻底没戏了 手套也没戴

7、But I can't get my glove on over it.


8、And it's a bullet. It's in the glove.

那是一颗子弹 落在手套里

9、He had gloves, he cleaned up after himself.

他戴了手套 事后清理了自己

10、These are...these are my best gloves, yes.

是的 这些是我最好的手套

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