

词 汇weaver 读音  
音 标英 ['wi:və(r)] 美 [ˈwivɚ]
释 义

n. 织布者, 织工

n. a craftsman who weaves cloth

n. finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests

用 法

1、We have no time to wait for weavers.


2、weaver stance was invented before I was born.


3、weaver, I asked for a favor, not an interrogation.

韦弗 我是找你帮忙的 不是审讯

4、weavers, you may choose to live in fear, but we do not.

韦弗 可能你们选择与恐惧为邻 我们不

5、Marty weaver, pulled away by a vicious current.


6、weaver bent the rules to let you come here and you don't fit.

维佛破例让你进来 但你根本无法融入

7、weaver, do me a favor go upstairs and check on my postops.

帮我个忙 韦弗 上楼检查一下我的术后病人

8、weaver thinks it made you into some kind of a messenger for an alien race.

韦弗认为那把你变成了 外星种族的信使

9、Look, if we find a weaver, they can tell us where this fabric was made.

可以找一个编织工问问 他们可能会告诉我们这种布料是在哪里制成的

10、weaver brings a lot of new partners in here, and not a lot of them come back.

韦弗没少往这儿带过新搭档 但再出现的就没几个了

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