

词 汇conventional 读音  
音 标英 [kən'venʃənl] 美 [kənˈvɛnʃənəl]
释 义

a. 传统的, 习惯的, 约定的

[经] 惯例的, 常规的, 传统的

a. following accepted customs and proprieties

s. conforming with accepted standards

a. (weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy

a. unimaginative and conformist

用 法

1、So imagine this is a conventional sail boat and a conventional sail boat has a rudder at the back.

想象一下这是一艘普通的帆船 普通的帆船在后面有舵

2、I'm in love with a married woman, and for the last eight months, I've been nagging her to define her relationship by conventional standards when I ing hate convention.

我爱上了一个有夫之妇 过去八个月里 我一直在纠缠她 让她以传统习俗的标准来定义她的情感关系 可我又痛恨习俗

3、As the convention agreed to yesterday morning, we are taking vice presidential nominations first, in order for that process to take place over the full convention.

正如大会昨天上午达成的共识 我们会先选出副总统候选人 以在整个大会上进行那一程序

4、into the convent here with no explanation as to what was in them.

到修道院 绝口不提里面究竟是什么

5、I'm in town for the eyewear convention.


6、Um, I was here to work the convention.


7、I was on perimeter detail at the convention.


8、or I turn the convention upside down.


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